If there is anyone still out there reading my blog (I know you're out there Grandma!), I apologize for my absence for the past few months. Blogs are an interesting thing. They're really exciting at first and then they just become a lot of work to maintain and update. I'm continually impressed by my wonderful sister-in-laws (and on a few rare occasions my brother) who are the models of consistency in the blogosphere. I am really thankful for Krista and Michelle's (and sometimes Brady's) blogs because it keeps me up to date on their lives. I love the pictures and reading about all the exciting and not so exciting things that they do.
That being said, I realize that I have been selfish in not letting you all into the happenings of my life. Therefore, I am blogging right now and hopefully will continue to do so on a semi-regular basis for the next few months (no promises once I leave Fiji).
First I need to get you caught up on what's going on in Fiji and this post will be dedicated to our Student Conference which took place roughly one month ago.
If you haven't heard yet, our ministry at the University of the South Pacific was "kicked off" campus at the end of last semester (more on that to come in the future posts). In my mind, this was an extremely unfortunate and momentum-killing event. At the time, we had 30 American college students here to help us with a ministry and seemingly nothing for them to do since they were disallowed onto campus. We were also gearing up for the biggest event of our year: Student Conference.
In the meantime, the hotel that we had made a booking with for the conference informed us of a few problems. The manager of the hotel ran away with our deposit and the owner expected us to repay it in order to have our conference there.
After an emergency trip to the western part of the island, we secured an alternate venue for our conference three days before the conference started.
I was extremely skeptical about what to do and whether it was really worth the time and effort to put the conference on this year. But God showed me just how feeble and incorrect are my plans and the way I think things should happen.
Despite everything going against us, we had 140 local students show up to conference! To give you a reference point, that's nearly double the amount of local students who came to last year's conference.
It was a smashing success. The students had the time of their lives, heard the truth about God and His word and were commissioned to go out and reach their families, friends, campuses and the world with the Gospel. I had extremely low expectations coming into the conference and was absolutely blown away at how things turned out. It's a good thing that I'm not in control.
Anyway, I've used up too many of my words for the day so here are some pictures for your enjoyment. Please pray for these people as they continue to process what they learned at conference. Second semester begins today and I'm so excited to see how they respond to all of the opposition they're receiving at USP.
Monday, July 23, 2012
Monday, March 19, 2012
John Carter
It's a scary sight but these are the men of Student Life. As you can see, they're a lot of fun. We took these thirty guys to see John Carter the other night. The movie was lame but the company was a lot of fun.
Sunday, February 19, 2012
The Pearl
Thursday, February 16, 2012
I do not have a single creative or artistic bone in my body. Because of that, I haven't been able to do justice to what life in Suva looks like. Thankfully, God did not make everyone like me and there are people out there who can do really creative and artistic things. One of those people is my new teammate, Kyle Post. Kyle is an incredible photographer. He takes pictures like it's his job and they are all amazing. Below is a compilation of time lapses that Kyle took in and around Suva. Hopefully this will give you a better idea of Suva looks and feels like. Enjoy!
Sunday, February 12, 2012
My life over the past week hasn't really been that exciting. So I thought I'd serve you up a few random details for today's post.
Back to School
Tomorrow marks the beginning of the school year here in Fiji. We'll be at the University of the South Pacific (USP) for Orientation all week and at Fiji National University (FNU) for the first week of lectures. I'm really excited to finally start ministry. The past few weeks have been a little bit slow but life is going to change start tomorrow. Please pray for us as we launch a new school year tomorrow!
Personal Development Plan
I am currently in the process of making a Personal Development Plan (PDP) for myself. Our whole team is doing this and the point is to make goals for ourselves (mentally, physically, spiritually and socially) so that we can help measure our growth this year. Here's our motivation:
I have become a reader all of a sudden. I got a Kindle for Christmas and I have been reading non-stop ever since. I think I've read at least twelve books in the last month and a half. Some of them include:
The Biography of Dietrich Bonhoeffer (which I recommend for all you nerds out there)
The Hunger Games series
Water for Elephants
A plethora of Sherlock Holmes novels and short stories
I've really enjoyed reading even though I've never been much of a reader in the past. If you have any good books you've read lately, please let me know. I'm always looking for something new!
Video Chat
I got to chat with both the Brady Fausts' and the Matthew Fausts' today. The first one was planned and the second was a pleasant surprise. It was great to talk to everybody and see how their lives are going. It was also a blast to get to see my niece and nephew. They always bring so much joy to my life! Here's a picture below (the Brady Fausts' video was not working so I wasn't able to take a picture of them).
Las Vegas Sevens
This weekend is the Las Vegas Sevens Rugby tournament. If you've been tuned into NBC at all, you may have seen some of it. Fiji has an incredible sevens rugby team and is currently ranked second in the world. Tomorrow (Sunday) is the semifinals and finals of the tournament. If you're free, you should check out NBC at 2:54 EST for the semifinal matchup between Fiji and Samoa. If Fiji wins that game (which they should), they'll play again in the finals at 5:28 EST. Sevens is a lot of fun to watch and the games only last fifteen minutes. Check it out if you have time and root for Fiji!
Back to School
Tomorrow marks the beginning of the school year here in Fiji. We'll be at the University of the South Pacific (USP) for Orientation all week and at Fiji National University (FNU) for the first week of lectures. I'm really excited to finally start ministry. The past few weeks have been a little bit slow but life is going to change start tomorrow. Please pray for us as we launch a new school year tomorrow!
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Flashback: Last year during Orientation, our picture was taken and put up on the front page of the USP website. I don't think they knew we weren't students. |
Personal Development Plan
I am currently in the process of making a Personal Development Plan (PDP) for myself. Our whole team is doing this and the point is to make goals for ourselves (mentally, physically, spiritually and socially) so that we can help measure our growth this year. Here's our motivation:
And Jesus grew in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and man. Luke 2:52It's natural for people to grow and we want to be more like Jesus. I'm not sure exactly what is going to be on my PDP this year but I'll keep you posted on that. I'm excited to see what areas of my life God will choose to grow me in!
I have become a reader all of a sudden. I got a Kindle for Christmas and I have been reading non-stop ever since. I think I've read at least twelve books in the last month and a half. Some of them include:
The Biography of Dietrich Bonhoeffer (which I recommend for all you nerds out there)
The Hunger Games series
Water for Elephants
A plethora of Sherlock Holmes novels and short stories
I've really enjoyed reading even though I've never been much of a reader in the past. If you have any good books you've read lately, please let me know. I'm always looking for something new!
Video Chat
I got to chat with both the Brady Fausts' and the Matthew Fausts' today. The first one was planned and the second was a pleasant surprise. It was great to talk to everybody and see how their lives are going. It was also a blast to get to see my niece and nephew. They always bring so much joy to my life! Here's a picture below (the Brady Fausts' video was not working so I wasn't able to take a picture of them).
Las Vegas Sevens
This weekend is the Las Vegas Sevens Rugby tournament. If you've been tuned into NBC at all, you may have seen some of it. Fiji has an incredible sevens rugby team and is currently ranked second in the world. Tomorrow (Sunday) is the semifinals and finals of the tournament. If you're free, you should check out NBC at 2:54 EST for the semifinal matchup between Fiji and Samoa. If Fiji wins that game (which they should), they'll play again in the finals at 5:28 EST. Sevens is a lot of fun to watch and the games only last fifteen minutes. Check it out if you have time and root for Fiji!
Thursday, February 2, 2012
Boar Hunting
We didn't catch anything nor did we see a pig. But we did slosh through the jungle for two hours in the rain. We also looked sweet with our spears and knives.
'Nuff said.
Sunday, January 29, 2012
How do you worship?
So we made it to Fiji. After spending two days in LA due to unexpected mechanical problems, we finally flew out on Tuesday. We arrived in Nadi, Fiji to discover that it was flooded. Luckily the water went down enough to take the bus to Suva. We've begun settling in (pictures to come) and getting used to Fiji time.
Anyway, that's not what I wanted to write about. Living in Fiji over the past year has taught me that the American way is not always the right way (or the wrong way for that matter). I was sitting in church this morning when a group of students got up to do a dance. This is a relatively frequent practice in Fiji and I've seen it dozens of times. Here's what went through my mind: "Here we go again".
Almost immediately, I felt convicted and heard the Spirit saying, "Whoa Brian. Why don't you come down off your high horse?" Shoot. I realized that I've become so one-dimensional in my own conception of worship. You say worship and I think about the three song set preceding the sermon at church. I don't know for sure but I don't think that's what God had in mind when he created us.
Why do we confine worship within the church walls? Why do we automatically think of singing? I wrote in my journal that I don't want to be one-dimensional in worshipping my Creator. I'm still not sure what that looks like but I've challenged myself to worship in different ways this week.
Where do you most experience God? It's not "unChristian" of you if church doesn't come to your mind. Maybe it's on a walk or a hike. Maybe it's swimming or when you're on a run. Maybe it's when you're alone (like me!) or when you're in a crowded place. I don't know but I challenge you to experience God and worship Him in a new way this week. He's just to great to be confined to a three song set on Sunday!
Anyway, that's not what I wanted to write about. Living in Fiji over the past year has taught me that the American way is not always the right way (or the wrong way for that matter). I was sitting in church this morning when a group of students got up to do a dance. This is a relatively frequent practice in Fiji and I've seen it dozens of times. Here's what went through my mind: "Here we go again".
Almost immediately, I felt convicted and heard the Spirit saying, "Whoa Brian. Why don't you come down off your high horse?" Shoot. I realized that I've become so one-dimensional in my own conception of worship. You say worship and I think about the three song set preceding the sermon at church. I don't know for sure but I don't think that's what God had in mind when he created us.
... everyone who is called by my name, whom I created for my glory, whom I formed and made. Isaiah 43:7These dancers in church were simply worshipping God a different way and I fell into the trap of dismissing them right off the bat. I love living in a foreign culture because it challenges everything that I do and everything I've been taught. Fijians constantly worship God through song, dance, testimony and drama.
Why do we confine worship within the church walls? Why do we automatically think of singing? I wrote in my journal that I don't want to be one-dimensional in worshipping my Creator. I'm still not sure what that looks like but I've challenged myself to worship in different ways this week.
Where do you most experience God? It's not "unChristian" of you if church doesn't come to your mind. Maybe it's on a walk or a hike. Maybe it's swimming or when you're on a run. Maybe it's when you're alone (like me!) or when you're in a crowded place. I don't know but I challenge you to experience God and worship Him in a new way this week. He's just to great to be confined to a three song set on Sunday!
Monday, January 23, 2012
I know. I know. You're probably upset with me. I realize that I haven't blogged in three months. As my nephew would say, "Oopies". Part of me forgot I had a blog, the other part knew I had a blog but didn't want to do anything about it. Anyway, my apologies for being absent from the blogosphere. I hope you'll forgive me for all the times you've come to this page and been disappointed.
But now I'm back (at least I hope so). Here are a few reasons for my resurgence:
- I've started following a few blogs in the past few weeks. Reading other people's blogs makes me feel bad about not updating mine (particularly my sister in law, Krista, she makes me look really bad). My guilt has finally overwhelmed me to return. That's probably not a reason but it is what it is.
- I've been in America for the past two months and people have actually told me that they read my blog?!?!?!? I was genuinely surprised. I know that I had a few faithful followers (Thanks Grandma!) but it turns out, at least 8ish people read my blog (or at least try to in the past three months). Thanks for your support and I hope you haven't given up on me just yet.
- I also promised Brady and Michelle that I would blog before I left America to go back to Fiji. This would not have been possible had Air Pacific not cancelled our flight from LA to Fiji. So I'm currently sitting in the lobby of the Hilton, with my stomach full, courtesy of Air Pacific and their little blunder. Thank you very much.
- Lastly, I realized that my life is about 30 times more exciting in Fiji than it is in America. So now that I'm heading back, hopefully my life will be a little more adventurous.
This picture has nothing to do with what I'm talking about but I add it because I love my niece. And I'm hoping that you will look at it and admire how cute she/I am. I stole this picture from my sister-in-law's blog. I had to say goodbye to everyone over the past week. I used my last night with Ellie to try to teach her to walk. She had fun but wasn't able to take a step for me. I still love her though.
It was easier to say goodbye this year. Maybe because I'm a seasoned veteran at leaving for long periods of time....probably not though. It could be because I trust God to provide for me and for my family and friends back home this year. It could also be because I know that I'm doing what He's called me to do. In reality, it's probably some combination of the three. I'm excited for this year. I'm excited to have a new team of nine. I'm excited to be challenged. I'm excited to learn. I'm excited to grow.
I'm also excited to go to bed. If you happen to read this in time, please pray for our team as we travel across the South Pacific tomorrow. And check back soon because I'm back babyyyyyy!!!!!
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